Am I Eligible?
You may be eligible for eops if you
- Are a California resident or AB 540 student (residency is determined by the Butte College Admissions and Records Office);
- Are enrolled in 12 or more units (limited space is available for students in 9-11.75 units);
- Have completed less than 70 degree applicable units;
- Meet the income requirements for the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) A or B or C and have a EFC or SAI of $0 to -$1500. Click here for the CCPG Income Standards.
And You Meet One of the Following Educational Factors
- You did not graduate from high school (General Education Diploma (G.E.D.) and High School Proficiency are considered high school graduation);
- You graduated from high school with less than a 2.5 GPA (unofficial high school transcript must be provided to the Butte College EOPS Office);
- You were previously or are currently enrolled in a basic skills class (courses numbered 200-299);
- You are a first-generation college student (neither of your biological or adoptive parents were awarded a Bachelor’s Degree);
- Your parents are not native English speakers;
- You are a member of an under-represented group as defined in the Butte College Student Equity Plan.
Contact Information
For information call:
Monday-Thursday; 7:30 am - 5 pm and Friday; 8:00 am - 12:00 pm (closed Friday during the summer)
Content editor:
Mallory Holt